How Much Do You Charge For Editing?
Our prices are based on the amount of editing a client wants done on their project. Some clients might just want their photos lighter and more vibrant while other clients might want the Full Glamour Enhancement package with background changes. For this reason, we ask that you send a description of your editing needs and goals and a sample photo and we will email you back a quote. We also have special package prices we can quote if you need more than one photo edited.
How Long Does It Take To Get My Photos Completed?
We include a completion timeline with every quote. Timelines can vary based on how many images you need edited and the scope of work you need done on your project. However, our normal completion time is 3 to 5 business days.
If I Accept Your Quote And Decide To Move Forward With The Project…What Happens Next?
We prepare an invoice with the price and scope of work clearly outlined. You pay your invoice directly through our verified safe payment portal right on our website. We edit your photos and send you proofs when completed. We will continue to work with you for any corrections or revisions you want made to your proofs until you are fully satisfied that we have exceeded your expectations. Once completed we email you your downloadable high-resolution jpeg file or we process your printed order and get them in the mail immediately.
Can I Just Get A Download File Or Do I Have To Purchase Printed Photos And Cards?
Unlike other companies, we offer download files, printed products or both. Many of our clients need professional photo editing for images used in social media or advertising so they only need a high-resolution jpeg file. We also realize some of our clients may want to get their images printed on items such as mugs, blankets or posters that we do not offer. Having a high-resolution jpeg file makes those options possible.
Can I Actually “talk” To You About My Project?
Absolutely, we are old school and actually answer our phone and talk to clients. We realize sometimes it is just easier to speak with someone about a unique project rather than trying to explain a vision through emails. Our phone number is 740-412-1310. If you call and get our answering machine, we are probably on the line with another client. Just leave us a message and we will call you back.
Can You Rush My Project?
Yes. We realize unexpected things can happen in life. If you find yourself needing editing services or custom design work done in a hurry, we are there for you. If you are suddenly planning a memorial service, just realized you are about to miss the graduation year book photo deadline submission or you “Said Yes!” and want to let family and friends know about your engagement as soon as possible – let us know you need it in a rush and we will move mountains to help you make it happen.
Other Questions?
Just click the Contact Me button below.